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Complete Guide to Balance Training ISSA Continuing Education Header

Complete Guide to Balance Training

Improve balance, and reduce fall risk in older clients.

Learn why exercise is important to reducing falls in older clients, how to assess fall risk, and ways to use your assessment to develop an effective balance training program.


What You’ll Learn From This Course:

Upon completion of the Complete Guide to Balance Training, you will:

  • Understand what can increase an older person’s risk of falling, including age-related physical changes that can contribute to elevated fall risk.

  • Learn how exercise is a key factor for reducing falls, and the roles that medication management and home safety practices play as well.

  • Know the top three assessments for determining your client’s fall risk (and their physical function), and how to perform these tests.

  • Be able to create a safe and effective personalized balance training program for older clients based on your assessments.

  • Have the skills needed to modify a balance training program if needed, such as if the program needs to be ramped up or scaled back.

  • Gain access to 40+ exercise videos, a complete 60-page manual, and the Mobility Matters program design web platform, all of which can help you create customized balance training programs.

How You Can Use It:

Older people have a greater risk of falling due to many reasons. In some cases, falls are a result of declining vision or changes in the way they process sensory information. Other times, age-related changes affect their balance, making balance training an important step in reducing or preventing future falls. Knowing these risks is the first step to helping your fitness clients.

Trainers who provide balance training know which exercises will help keep their older clients upright. This can keep clients mobile since falling can easily result in broken bones, some of which have the ability to reduce mobility for an extended period of time.

You can use the information presented in the Complete Guide to Balance Training course to conduct fall-risk assessments on your older clients and, based on your findings, create customized fitness programs. Trainers can also implement the strategies and approaches learned in this course within their current exercise programs, giving their clients the ability to improve their balance while also working on other areas of fitness.

Perhaps the best part is that this course comes with access to the Mobility Matters web platform which helps you create and modify your balance training programs. This makes the program design process much easier for you while ensuring that your clients’ balance-related exercise needs are met.

Trainer and student reviewing training regimen

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